
   Climate is an average recorded for many years of weather conditions. Along the Equator the Equatorial climates, then in the center of the planet it's located the tropical continental. The other climate is monsoon and finally hot desert and cold climates. 
   Equatorial climates, located along the Equator five degrees north and south. The main areas and in Amazon and Gongo rivers and south-east Asia. Throughout the year the temperature is constant, the annual rainfall is 2000mm and it has annual temperature range of 2ºC. This climate has a daily pattern and no seasonal change. This means, that the clays are similar to the other day and it has twelve hours of daylight and the others of darkness. The sun rises, the temperature's average of 25C. In the afternoon, there are rains and lightning. Finally, in the nights, the clouds break and the air is warm.

   Between latitudes five degrees and fifteen degrees north and south form the equator, away from coasts is located the tropical (interior) continental. It has and average temperature of 31ºC and an annual range of eight degrees. In addition, it has a wet and a dry seasons, caused by the movement of the sun. In the hot, wet season the temperature rise and the rainfall increase. In the dry, cooler season, the sun is in the opposite hemisphere. There is low rainfall and pressure.
   A conseqeunce of the wind direction, there are two monsoon, which means season. The first one is the south-west monsoon, where places in the north of the Himalayas are very hot. An area of low pressure is caused by the hot air rises creating moist warm air. When the air rises over the mountain it creates amounts of rainfall. The other season is the north-east monsoon, during the northern winter. In consequence, in the north of the Himalayas there is high pressure with cold climate. The winds blow and it originates dry areas giving small amounts of rain. 
   Finally, there are two types of desert, hot desert and cold desert. Hot desert, has high evotranspiration  with little amount annual rainfall and high temperatures. They are located mostly in the western side of Afica away form the east coasts. There is little rainfall, because winds have to cross mountains creating rain shadows and the Equator's wind descend giving clear skies. Whatsmore sea winds are cold with little moisture. There are no clouds, so during daytime the temperature rises to 50C and in the night it's freezing. One the other hand, cold deserts are located 60 degrees north from the Equator, in the north America and north Asia. Summers and warm in comparison to the winters, which are very long and freezing. The air is cold which it holds no moisture, that cause low precipitation. It may fall as snow and it may blow as blizzard. 


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